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History, natural landscape, adventure, community. No matter what you want to see, there are a lot of must-do attractions across the Gilgandra region.

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Big ArmaTree

The Big ArmaTree was designed by artist Margaret Windeyer and can be seen as you drive into the township of Armatree.

Artist Statement

"As a tree puts down roots that hold it in place, so have the people who has chosen Armatree and the surrounding district as their home.

The trunk represented the strength of a small, yet thriving community who work together, and the spread of the branches allows for individuality and how each person goes their own way in life but are still part of the whole.

The canopy, with its pattern of the leaves, gives shade and shelter for all and the continual shift of shadows with the passage of sun represented how nothing stays the same in a unique community where every person has a place.

As a symbol of a living tree, the sculpture represents this active and vibrant community. It is reflective of the endemic species seen through the district."

The Big ArmaTree was funded through NSW Government Stronger Country Communities Program.

Big ArmaTree
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